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What is C-TPAT?

C-TPAT is the abbreviation of US Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism). It is an alliance organized by the government and industry to enhance the homeland security of the United States.
Through a series of management, to meet the requirements of different industries such as sea, air and land transportation contractors, terminal operators, US importers, overseas manufacturers... etc., in order to improve the management and control of supply chain security. Companies are often required to verify C-TPAT anti-terrorism because they supply to manufacturers in the United States.
C-TPAT minimum requirements
Overseas manufacturers (outside the United States) have minimum requirements for C-TPAT (also the eight common themes of anti-terrorism control), which is to strengthen security control through multi-faceted management and protection. The principles are as follows:
Business Partner Requirement
Container and Trailer Security
Physical Access Control
Personnel Security
Procedural Security
Physical Security
Information Technology Security
Security Training and Threat Awareness



Contact: Season Zhu

Mobile: 0086-13396573130

Tel: 0086-571-86518183

Email: info@alkeseal.com

Whatsapp: 0086-13396573130

Add: Building 32, Great World Hardware Mall,Jianggan District,Hangzhou City,Zhejiang

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